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Prevent cyberbullying.

We know that cyberbullying can have devastating impacts on some children and young adults, especially when they feel there is no let up from the abuse. It is very easy to post malicious and hurtful posts on social media sites as there is very little moderation and posts can go “live” before they can be reported.  


This can leave people feeling very vulnerable and at a loss as to what they can do. So what help is available if you feel your child or friends might be in danger of self-harming or having suicidal thoughts?

Sometimes people are afraid or not sure if they are being bullied. So they can't do anything about it. If you are being bullied, harassed or teased with fear - or know someone - you don't have to suffer silently. In fact, you should definitely report any disturbing text, message, post or email.

Tell others. Most experts agree that the first thing to do is to tell your trusted adults. This is easier said than done. People who are cyberbullying may feel embarrassed or unwilling to report bullying. Some people may hesitate because they are not 100% sure who is bullying. But bullying may get worse, so say it until someone finds someone to help. Sometimes the police can track an anonymous online bully, so reporting it is usually worthwhile.

You can also talk to your school counsellor or a trusted teacher or family member. If bullying feels it really makes you feel depressed (as if it affects your sleep or concentration), treatment can help you. If you are not ready, you can still benefit from the support of trusted adults.

Go away. What you hear about leaving the real-life bully will also play a role in the virtual world. Ignoring bullies is the best way to deprive them of power, but it is not always easy in the real world or online.

If you see annoying things, try leaving your computer or turning off your phone for a while. Don't reply, don't forward the message to others. Find something that will distract you. Doing something you like doesn't give you time to think about what's going on, like playing the guitar, running, or getting lost in a book or movie. You can also chat with your parents or siblings or play with your pet.

Resist the urge to retaliate or respond. Walking or resting when you face online bullying will give you some space so you won't want to respond back or interact with bullies or bullies. Responding when we feel uneasy can make things worse. (Sometimes standing up and bullying may be effective, but it is more likely to provoke this person and escalate the situation.) Taking a break will give you strength!

While responding to bullies is not a good idea, it is best to keep evidence of bullying if you can. It can help you prove your situation if needed. You don't need to always keep an average of emails, text or other communications - you can ask your parents to copy or save them to a flash drive.

Report bullying. Social media sites take it seriously when people post cruel or embarrassing things or set up fake accounts. If a user reports abuse, the webmaster may block the bully from using the site in the future. If someone sends you a text or email, report it to a phone service or email provider (such as Comcast, Google, and Verizon).

Stop bullies. Most devices have settings that allow you to electronically block bullies or bullies from sending notes. If you don't know how to do this, ask a friend or an adult.

Online security. Password protect your smartphone and your online website and change your password frequently. Be sure to share your password only with your parent or guardian. Think twice before sharing personal information or photos/videos that you don't want the world to see. After posting a photo or message, it may be difficult or impossible to delete. So remind yourself to be cautious when posting photos or responding to someone’s frustration.

If a friend is a bully

If you know that a friend is playing the role of a cyberbuller, then pull him or her to talk. Did not let your friends down, stick to their own principles: let the bully know that it can't.

Explaining bullying to your friends can have serious consequences: for bullies, for bullies, even for bystanders like you and your friends.

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