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Effects of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying affects people of any age or walking, including children, teenagers and adults, who feel very painful and lonely when they are bullied online.


Cyberbullying can make you feel completely overwhelmed, which can cause many people to feel embarrassed that they are experiencing such a devastating period and do not know what kind of support they can get.

Because many cyberbullying affects their daily lives and is a continuing source of troubles and concerns. With the free availability of mobile technology, this is a persistent problem and a ruthless issue.


It continues not only after school, university or work, but also on the second day, and the cycle continues. There is ample evidence that cyberbullying has led to tragic events, including suicide and self-harm, and more work is needed to protect vulnerable children and adults from online bullying.

The protagonist Ruby saw an increasing number of malicious comments with dirty words, and her emotions gradually collapsed. She was confused, scared, and overwhelmed.

If you are concerned that your child or loved one may be a victim of cyberbullying, please note the following:

  1. Low self-esteem

  2. Exit the family and spend a lot of time alone

  3. Unwilling to let parents or other family members get close to mobile phones, laptops, etc.

  4. Find excuses to stay away from school or work, including refusing to school

  5. Friends disappear or are excluded from social activities

  6. Lose weight or change appearance to fit

  7. Fresh traces on the skin may indicate self-harm and different wear, such as wearing long-sleeved clothes in the summer to hide any traces

  8. Personality changes, namely anger, depression, crying, withdrawal


In fact, through proper interventions, cyberbullying can be actively addressed to mitigate possible harm and negative outcomes. If left unresolved, cyberbullying can have long-term mental health effects. Cyberbullying and bullying can have a negative impact on the lives of all participants.

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