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Cyberbullying Tactics

In "I gotta screw you up", the main character raised her middle finger in real life because of malicious guidance from others, and someone records the video and the video was posted to the Internet to distort the facts and maliciously smashed the protagonist.

The main character has received a variety of malicious voices, and every post posted on social media has a variety of dirty words. This is one of the general ways of cyberbullying.

Since cyberbullying can occur in different ways. Along with other risk factors, bullying may increase the risk of suicide-related behaviour. In addition, cyberbullying can be ruthless, increasing the likelihood of anxiety and depression.


Some states choose to sue young people who bully criminal harassment, including encouraging someone to die from suicide. Some forms of cyberbullying are forms of harassment. Over criminal activity, some strategies occur in dating relationships and may become interpersonal violence.

Some of the most common cyberbullying strategies include:

  1. Impersonation: Breaking into someone's email or other online account and sending a message that would cause the person's reputation to be embarrassed or compromised and affect his/her relationship with others

  2. Harassment: repeatedly posting or sending offensive, rude and insulting messages

  3. Network tracking: Publish or send unwanted or daunting messages, which may include threats

  4. Exclude: Deliberately excluding someone from the online group

  5. Flame: An online battle to post contempt and offensive messages on websites, forums or blogs

  6. Cyber ​​threats: Internet threats or implied violence, showing suicidal tendencies

  7. Gossip: Post or send cruel gossip to damage a person’s reputation and relationships with friends, family and acquaintances

  8. Outings and tricks: Deceive someone to reveal secret or embarrassing information and then share it online

  9. Create a despicable or harmful web page about someone.
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