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I gotta screw you up!

"I gotta screw you up!"

Ruby almost collapsed and looked at the comments on the screen...

This is a story about cyberbullying. The main character Ruby Qiu, a social media influencer who encountered cyber-violence in 2018.

The story tells Ruby has criticized Swift and Perry who jumped the queue...


Cyberbullying,Actually it's very common


In July 2013, the hot topic of Weibo named “Yuan Yu rolled out of the entertainment circle” appeared, and soon became the hot list and occupied the forefront of the rankings for a long time.

Some netizens believe that Yuan Yu’s long-term difference, poor performance, and even constitute “anti-Yuan Yu’s support group”, and shouted the slogan of “against Yuan as an actress” on Weibo to attack her.

At the time, Yuan was not defeated. Instead, she launched a charity event. As long as someone swears on one of the microblogs, she will donate 0.5 yuan and finally raise more than 50,000 yuan. She will use this money to help disabled children with surgery. Only then did the tragic war of cyber violence come to an end.


Without cause

In January 2018, Australian 14-year-old child star Amy was unable to endure all kinds of ignorance on the Internet, and eventually left the world in suicide. Amy didn't know when she started, and she would receive a lot of strangers on the Internet.

This overwhelming curse lasted for eight years.

In the end, she chose to commit suicide to escape people's malice.


The grief-stricken Amy’s parents even once defended their daughter’s final dignity by “inviting online mobs to attend their daughter’s funeral”.


Let them see for themselves what the consequences of those who used to shamelessly attack Amy on the Internet.

Amy had painted a painting before her life: Speak even if your voice shakes.

However, she has no chance to talk to the world anymore.

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Hannah Smith, a 14-year-old British girl who was born in August 2013, was subjected to abuse from online thugs for Posting her picture on her social networking website. Help me die, "the crude abuse has appeared on Hannah's page many times.

Even Hannah's late uncle was caught up in the comments, with many saying "he deserved it" and others writing on her page: "you are so ugly" and "so fat". At one point, Hannah bravely shot back at the threats: "yes, I may be ugly.


But in the end, even Hannah, normally a sunny woman, was so overwhelmed that she hanged herself at her home in Leicestershire.



In 2008, plagued by rumours of persecution, Choi took her own life at the age of 40 in the early morning of October 2, 2008, in a bathroom in her private apartment in Seoul.


Some people say that domestic violence killed Choi, some people say that Internet violence is the last straw to kill Choi, it cannot be denied that no one can ignore the original network violence brought her pain.

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